EV Charging Program grants
Charging Forward Together
Can we help you get funding for EV Charging Stations for your property?
Clean & Prosperous Institute’s mission is to accelerate the transition to a net-zero carbon economy in Washington with prosperity for all. As a 501(c)(3) representing businesses and organizations in Washington State, we are in a position to help property owners and EVSE project developers acquire funding for EV charging stations through an application to the Washington EV Charging Program.

Application period closed. Clean & Prosperous Institute was pleased to help multifamily property owners and public locations compete for funding to provide more EV infrastructure that will allow businesses and residents in Washington state save money on transportation costs. Funding was allocated to applicants based on a competitive scoring system that prioritized installations in areas with high levels of pollution and few existing chargers, among other criteria.
Funding is available for three site categories:
Publicly Available DC Fast Chargers
Up to $99,000* per DCFC port installed. Maximum 6 DCFC ports. CHAdeMO ports are not eligible.
Up to $9,000* for L2 port. Maximum 6 Level 2 ports can be included.
Up to $9,000* per L2 port installed. Maximum 20 L2 ports eligible.
Up to $9,000* per L2 port installed. Maximum 20 L2 ports eligible.
Clean & Prosperous Institute will accept site requests from property owners or EVSE project developers until November 15th for potential inclusion in our CPI application. CPI reserves the right to exclude projects which are not ready for implementation in the next twelve months. Awards for grant funding will be made by the Department of Commerce. If a site is awarded, CPI will enter into a contract with the proposed EVSE owner to complete installation of the project.
Please direct questions to [email protected].
* Incentive amount is net of Clean & Prosperous Institute’s project management fee.
Public Charging: To be considered publicly available, an EV charging station must not be located behind a fence or in a gated parking lot, such that the general public is unable to access or is deterred from accessing during normal operational hours for the site (generally excluding 10pm-5am). Businesses may clarify their operational hours and will be held responsible should actual access does not align with this provision and may be asked to provide documentation supporting their operational hours. Operational hours to be identified in application.
Fleet Depot: A parking facility intended primarily for a collection of motor vehicles owned or leased by an organization in pursuit of its business activities or services provided. Both public and private fleet depots are eligible. If the installation’s purpose is for personal vehicles of employees, the site must qualify as a workplace use.
Workplace: A workplace is a non-residential site location, where business is conducted or where services or industrial operations are performed. Residential properties are not eligible as a workplace regardless of their use as a place of business. Chargers may be public or private and must be shared use (meaning that the chargers are not assigned to a single employee, or subset or employees at the site, and are available as a community resource for the site).
Multi-Family Housing: A residential development with five or more units. Hotels and motels do not qualify as multifamily housing.