Clean & Prosperous Institute
Study Missions
Study Mission Trip Reports
Clean & Prosperous Institute study missions have proven deeply rewarding for participants who have come away with valuable insights from other jurisdictions working toward similar aims as Washington. Read the trip reports below and stay tuned for the announcement of our next study mission.
Study Mission 4.0
Study Mission 3.0
Study Mission 2.0
Study Mission 1.0
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Come to Québec this May
Clean & Prosperous Institute has been at the forefront of educating climate stakeholders in Washington about other Cap-and-Invest programs in...
Oh? Canada?!
If you watched the Super Bowl, you learned some things about Canada and all the things they’ve given us, courtesy of this Crown Royal ad, featuring...
CPI Study Mission 3.0: Quebec
Clean & Prosperous Institute Study Mission 3.0: Quebec May 23-26, 2023Leaders are learners. As we look to learn about smart climate action,...
CPI Study Mission 2.0
California Study Mission 2.0What can WA learn from CA? We traveled south to find out. Leaders are learners Washington state is a climate action...
CPI Study Mission 2.0
California Study Mission 2.0What can WA learn from CA? We traveled south to find out. Leaders are learners Washington state is a climate action...
Carrots and sticks
To influence change, carrots (e.g., incentives and investments) and sticks (e.g., rules and fees) are useful. Both carrots and sticks are headlining...
Can we replace gasoline with hydrogen as a transportation fuel?
Lesson # 7 Hydrogen fueling stations are on the rise in California Clean & Prosperous Institute led our second study mission to California last...
California’s Companies are Thriving in a Low-Carbon Economy
Lesson # 6: Clean fuels are cleaning CA’s air Clean & Prosperous Institute led our second study mission to California earlier this summer, which...
Silicon Valley to amp up WA’s economy
Lesson # 5: It’s all about the batteries Clean & Prosperous Institute led our second study mission to California last month, which took us from...
We saw the future inside Tesla’s CA factory
Lesson # 4: Incentives are electric Clean & Prosperous Institute led our second study mission to California last month. We learned so much from...
California lessons, continued
Lesson # 3: Public investments attract private investments As Washington state builds a cleaner, more competitive economy, what is the role of...
More lessons from California
Lesson # 2: Medium and Heavy Duty Trucks and Buses - A big opportunity to improve air quality and reduce fossil fuel reliance, especially in...