Clean & Prosperous Washington


California Reaches Climate Change Mitigation Goal Ahead of Schedule

Former Republican California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, who signed California’s landmark AB 32 climate legislation in 2006, celebrated beating the target with remarks published in the San Francisco Chronicle: “Surpassing our 2020 emissions goal ahead of schedule while our economy grows by a nation-leading 4.9 percent and our unemployment rate is at a historic low should send a message to politicians all over the country: you don’t have to reinvent the wheel—just copy us. Business will boom and lives will be saved.”

Climate Change Creates Risk & Opportunity for WA Business

“We don’t need an energy miracle” to effectively address climate change. That was the message a speaker from the Risky Business Project shared with Washington State business leaders earlier this month. Their new research identifies cost-competitive, low-carbon energy sources and technologies that already exist and will become cheaper over the coming decades.

Data Viz: Electricity Affordability

Weighted average of retail electricity rates, in cents per kilowatt hour.

Cost of electricity is an especially important factor for manufacturing industries and larger commercial enterprises. It’s part of the larger competitive landscape of the cost of doing business.

3rd out of 50 states, 6.94 cents per kiloWatt hour (2013).

Data Viz: Commute Modes

The following data visualization shows for all 50 U.S. states from 2007 through 2011 what percent of daily trips to work occur via different modes of transportation. Such so-called “mode split” data by state is augmented by data for transit usage within major metro regions via the U.S. Census Bureau’s American Community Survey. However as noted above transit environmental benefits can depend on percent of seats filled. The “2012 National Transit Summaries and Trends” report from the National Transit Database (p. 23) notes that for all 824 reporting transit systems in the United States in 2012, bus routes had a combined load factor of just 11.2 percent compared to 25.2 percent for light rail, 27.5 for “heavy rail” transit and 35 percent for commuter rail.

Data Viz: Carbon Competitiveness

The ratio of GDP to CO2 emissions. Increasing carbon competitiveness means reducing the carbon intensity of our economy. Metric tons of CO2 equivalent emitted per million dollars of GDP generated. GDP expressed as real state GDP in chained 2005 dollars.

Extracting greater economic value from each unit of carbon emission positions us strongly to compete in the low carbon economy of the future.

6th out of 50 states (2013).

Washington Business Leaders Discuss the Future of Carbon Policy

What’s next for carbon reduction policy in Washington State? Voters in the 2016 election rejected Initiative 732. The federal Clean Air Rule is being challenged in the courts. The state legislature will convene in January 2017. In this context, leaders from across Washington’s business community met in Seattle on November 16th, 2016 to discuss efforts by governments and businesses to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Washington State Opinion Polling Shows Strong Support for Climate Action

There’s new data on the opinions of Washington voters regarding action to address climate change. One week after voters rejected the carbon tax initiative (I-732), Seattle business leaders met in Seattle to discuss the future of carbon policy. The event began with the release of new poll numbers from research commissioned jointly by The Nature Conservancy and Vulcan Inc. The survey results reveal the critical defections that led to I-732’s defeat, and the strong, enduring support among Washington voters for action to address carbon pollution.

Creating a Market for Cross-Laminated Timber

Progress in creating a regional and national market for cross laminated timber (CLT), an innovative building material rich in economic and environmental potential, was celebrated at a gathering of industry, design, academic, environmental and political leaders in Seattle on Nov. 1.

Ecology Responds to Clean Air Rule Comments

On July 22nd, 2016 the Washington Business Alliance submitted comments to the Washington State Department of Ecology regarding their draft Clean Air Rule. Our comments were created in collaboration with stakeholders guided by the intention of charting a productive course on carbon reduction.Late last week Ecology released its response to all the submitted comments, including those from the Business Alliance. Below, you’ll find Ecology’s responses along with a breif summary of the relevant comment.
