Study Mission 3.0: Quebec: Airplane reading

Study Mission 3.0: Quebec: Airplane reading

Clean & Prosperous Institute Study Mission 3.0: Quebec May 23-26, 2023 Airplane reading Our time in Québec promises to be informative and inspiring, with tours and briefings that will elevate our understanding of what’s possible in our transition to a clean...
Study Mission 3.0: Quebec: Airplane reading

CPI Study Mission 3.0: Quebec

Clean & Prosperous Institute Study Mission 3.0: Quebec May 23-26, 2023 Leaders are learners. As we look to learn about smart climate action, we’ve taken two study missions to California and now we’re expanding our horizons and traveling to Québec. Why Québec?...
5th Annual Future of Carbon Policy Forum

5th Annual Future of Carbon Policy Forum

2023 PROMISES TO BE A PIVOTAL YEAR FOR CLIMATE ACTION IN WASHINGTON STATE The Climate Commitment Act (CCA) takes effect JANUARY 1st Washington’s legislative session convenes JANUARY 9th Cap-and-Invest allowance auctions begin in FEBRUARY FEATURING HILARY FRANZ WA...