by Hans Stroo | Mar 14, 2017
(Originally Posted on Plan Washington Website) Recently there has been significant conversation in our state about climate change policy. Washington State residents have found need to evaluate many proposed policies aiming to price and regulate greenhouse gas...
by Hans Stroo | Jan 25, 2017
(Originally Published on Plan Washington Website) “We don’t need an energy miracle” to effectively address climate change. That was the message a speaker from the Risky Business Project shared with Washington State business leaders earlier this month. Their new...
by Hans Stroo | Jan 1, 2017
(Originally Posted on Plan Washington Website) WHAT IT IS The following data visualization shows for all 50 U.S. states from 2007 through 2011 what percent of daily trips to work occur via different modes of transportation. Such so-called “mode split” data by state is...
by Hans Stroo | Jan 1, 2017
(Originally Posted on Plan Washington Website) WHAT IT IS Weighted average of retail electricity rates, in cents per kilowatt hour. WHY IT MATTERS Cost of electricity is an especially important factor for manufacturing industries and larger commercial enterprises....
by Hans Stroo | Jan 1, 2017
(Originaly Posted on Plan Washington Website) WHAT IT IS The ratio of GDP to CO2 emissions. Increasing carbon competitiveness means reducing the carbon intensity of our economy. Metric tons of CO2 equivalent emitted per million dollars of GDP generated. GDP expressed...