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What’s being funded by the Cap-and-Invest Climate Commitment Act? And which of those nearly 1,700 projects are at risk if the pollution-capping, community-investing program is repealed?

This searchable Risk of Repeal map and associated database is now freshly updated with another 500 projects representing another $450 million in community investments, bringing total mapped investments to over $2.7 billion spread across all 39 counties. The map already displayed an impressive array of projects – from dairy digesters in the Palouse to new hybrid-electric ferries on the Sound, but more investments are spreading across the state each month.

Investments on the map now include additional air quality monitoring stations in overburdened communities, new salmon habitat restoration projects, improved access to the Tacoma Dome Light Rail, special needs transit grants, community solar projects, Tribal clean energy grants, over $20 million in new community electric vehicle charging sites, on-farm GHG reduction grants, and more. 

Because revenues from Climate Commitment Act carbon auctions continue to be invested across the state, the map and database continue to be updated. So far, over 70% of the state revenue generated through the program is visible as authorized investments on the map, representing quick turnaround by state agencies to communities in every county. (This is up from just under 60% on the original map.)  

Many of those investments are subject to public comment and/or competitive applications; you can find information and links on our new announcements page:

We also now have one-pagers that detail some of the more interesting projects: All 39 counties, from Adams to Yakima, plus 11 illustrative projects so far, with more to come, so keep checking back. 

Explore the map and see what projects are happening in your community, then let us know what one-pagers you want to see next.

Click on the map to begin exploring investments in each of the 39 counties.

The “treasure map” of Climate Commitment Act-funded projects has something for everyone, in every corner of the state. But how many of these projects are “hidden treasures”? Please share this searchable tool with others in your community so they can dig in and discover what’s happening in their own backyard – and what’s at risk of being defunded or deferred.