Clean & Prosperous Institute has been at the forefront of educating climate stakeholders in Washington about other Cap-and-Invest programs in North America. During our two study missions to California, we met with top government officials, spoke with local businesses, and toured clean energy sites which benefited from carbon revenue investments. We were honored to have numerous elected officials join us, including King County Executive Dow Constantine, Senators Reuven Carlyle, Christine Rolfes and Representatives Joe Fitzgibbon, Mary Dye and Jake Fey.
This spring, we are heading north to get a firsthand look at how Québec is transitioning to a low-carbon economy. With the Climate Commitment Act going into full swing, the timing couldn’t be better. We invite you to join our 3rd annual Clean Economy Study Mission, Tuesday through Friday, May 23-26 in Québec City and Montréal.
Why Québec?
Québec and Washington have similar economies and similar ambitions. Both are strong in research and technology, aeronautics, hydroelectricity, agriculture, fishing, mining, pharmaceuticals, aluminum, wood, and paper. They produce more maple syrup while we lead in apples. Despite their 112-year head start, we have the better hockey team (Go Kraken!).
Like Washington state, Québec is a clean economy leader, setting the pace for their country.
Québec introduced its cap-and-trade system ten years ago. Washington’s cap-and-invest system commenced this year and is designed to potentially link with the programs in Québec and California through the Western Climate Initiative.
The Québec Ministry of Environment will share lessons from their decade of cap-and-trade experience, lessons that can inform the policy directions we take and investment decisions we make here in Washington.
We’ll visit clean energy facilities and meet with business leaders, and together we will deepen our collective knowledge about smart climate action going forward.
In fact, our executive director Michael Mann is there now visiting companies we will tour — a lithium battery recycling facility, a sustainable aviation fuel producer — and sampling the local fare.
Our delegation will include travelers from both chambers of the Capitol, both sides of the aisle, and both Apple Cup schools. Among those joining us for the trip are Patty Kinswa-Gaiser, Cowlitz Indian Tribe Chairwoman, and Senators Joe Nguyen (D-34), Senate Energy, Environment & Technology Committee Chair (invited), Matt Boehnke (R-8), Senate Environment, Energy & Technology Committee and Senate Ways & Means Committee, and Jesse Salomon (D-32), Agriculture, Water, Natural Resources & Parks Committee Vice-Chair, as well as Representative Jake Fey (D-27) House Transportation Committee Chair, and Representative Kristine Reeves (D-30) Agriculture and Natural Resources Committee Vice Chair (invited).
Please consider joining us for our third study mission and our first to an international destination.
Have questions or need more info? Email [email protected].