Articles & Media

Award finalist: Promus Energy

December 23, 2022

Washington’s Commissioner of Public Lands, Hilary Franz, will present the second annual David & Patricia Giuliani Clean Energy Entrepreneur Award on January 5th, atop Seattle’s Columbia Tower, at the Future of Carbon Policy Forum.

The award, named after our organization’s founder and his wife, recognizes meaningful advances in clean energy innovation. The inaugural winner was Kenworth Trucks, presented by Governor Jay Inslee. 

Join us there to find out which of these five finalists will win this year’s award:

Promus Energy makes Washington dairies more environmentally, economically, and socially sustainable, with equipment that anaerobically digests manure to produce renewable natural gas (RNG) and power for electric vehicles (EVs).

Promus is also one of three partners in Koe Energy LLC, which is a fully integrated, “cows to cars” company producing GHG-negative power for a rapidly expanding network of EV fast charging stations in Pacific coast states. 

According to Promus, dairies can be the source of substantial GHG emissions, water pollution, odor, pathogens, and other environmental and community problems. The Promus anaerobic digester removes carbon in the form of biogas that would otherwise be emitted from dairy lagoons into the atmosphere as powerful GHGs. Cutting off these baseline emissions makes the produced “fuel” (RNG or electricity from biogas) deeply GHG negative. The dairy shares in the value Promus gets from selling the carbon credits and commodity fuel. In the near future, Promus anticipates that low-carbon dairies will be rewarded for their environmental stewardship with premium pricing and market access for low-CI (carbon intensity) milk, cheese, and other products.

When Clean & Prosperous Washington Institute led a study mission to California, we saw first-hand how ranchers in the Central Valley are incorporating dairy digesters into their operations, and how that is a win-win proposition for the ranchers and the state. 

Will it be a win for Promus Energy? Join us on January 5th to find out!

Register now for the 5th annual Future of Carbon Policy Forum on January 5th from 3 to 6 p.m.

Still looking for that perfect gift? No stocking stuffer can match a pair of tickets to the Forum. Tickets will provide entry to the best event of the new year, with insider info shared by decision-makers from business and government, and elbows to be rubbed among clean economy community leaders. And there will be a delicious selection of appetizers, plus wine, beer, and cocktails, along with a spectacular view over Seattle and the Sound from atop the Columbia Tower.

Whether you are with a company doing business in Washington state, a tribe, community, or organization representing key constituencies, or a leader working to make life better in our state, the Future of Carbon Policy Forum is where you want to be on January 5th, just four days prior to the start of the legislative session.

Space is limited and we expect to sell out, so save your place today.



WA Commissioner of Public Lands



Senior Advisor to U.S. Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm


WA State Senator, incoming Chair of the Senate Environment, Energy & Technology Committee


WA State Representative, Ranking Member on the House Environment & Energy Committee


Returning WA Representative-Elect, incoming Chair of the House Environment & Energy Committee

Matthew Colvin

Director of Logistics, Tree Top

Andrea Pratt

Zero Emission Technology Program Director for Volvo Group
North America

Heidi Sickler

Director of Policy and Market Development at bp pulse fleet


Clean & Prosperous Washington is a project of the Washington Business Alliance.
Contact us at [email protected]