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What can WA learn from CA? Come join us to find out.

May 26, 2022

Leaders are learners.

Washington state is a climate action leader. And that’s good for Washington, as it positions us well to prosper in the burgeoning clean economy. But we’re not alone, as other states too are innovating in business and public policy. 

Washington’s architects of the Climate Commitment Act (CCA) studied bills from other states — particularly California — to optimize ours. As we implement the CCA and build our clean energy economy, it’s important that we continue to learn from other states. That’s why next month the Clean & Prosperous Institute will lead a second study mission to California. (Click HERE to read about last year’s trip.) 

This study mission will begin Wednesday, June 22nd in Sacramento and conclude in Silicon Valley on Friday, June 24th, and will focus on investments and innovative projects that are protecting the climate, improving air quality, and building a clean economy. Our delegation will be led by Senator Christine Rolfes and Representatives Jake Fey and Joe Fitzgibbon.  We will be welcomed by CARB Chair Liane Randolph and get briefings from top CARB officials, including Craig Segall, who oversees the incentive programs for transportation, Peter Christensen, who runs the medium and heavy-duty vehicle incentive program, Bailey Smith, who is a specialist in light duty incentive programs, and Vernon Hughes, Assistant Air Quality Chief.

In addition to excellent presentations, our delegation has been invited to a number of exciting tours, including:

  • Tesla’s electric vehicle manufacturing facility
  • Sila Nanotechnologies battery manufacturing plant
  • Bloom Energy’s fuel cell and electrolyzer advanced manufacturing facility 
  • PACCAR’s Innovation Center
  • Hydrogen fueling demonstration organized by Toyota
  • Local dairy digester to see one of the most cost-effective carbon reduction programs in California
  • Ferry ride to the San Francisco waterfront and briefing on WETA’s ferry decarbonization plan.

We also get to ride Van Hool’s double decker all electric motor coach, TDX25E and are hoping to take one of the first rides on the hydrogen-powered ferry, SeaChange, that was built in Bellingham by All American Marine.

P.S. — CA achieved nearly 100% renewable energy for a brief moment in April.

Featured Participants

WA Senator
Christine Rolfes

Chair of the Senate Ways and Means Committee

WA Representative
Joe Fitzgibbon

Chair of the House Environment & Energy Committee

WA Representative
Jake Fey

Chair of the House Transportation Committee

Featured Speakers

Liane Randolph

California Air Resources Board, Chair

Craig Segall

California Air Resources Board, Deputy Executive Officer, Mobile Services Incentives

Peter Christensen

California Air Resources Board, Innovative Strategies Lead for the Mobile Source Control Division

Bailey Smith

California Air Resources Board, Lead of Climate Investments Assessment

Clean & Prosperous Washington is a project of the Washington Business Alliance.
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