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Webinar recording now available


Washington’s Decisive Decade

An Emerging Roadmap
for Transportation Decarbonization
& Cleaner Air

Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Yesterday’s webinar highlighting the just-released report, An Emerging Roadmap for Transportation Decarbonization and Cleaner Air, proved fascinating and timely. And the comments from Senate Transportation Chair Marko Liias were especially timely, given that the proposed transportation plan (SB 5974) had its first reading yesterday. 

The Senate Transportation Committee is holding a hearing on Move Ahead Washington (SB 5974) tomorrow at 8:00 AM. Submit written testimony to support transportation decarbonization.

I’m so thrilled with Clean and Prosperous Washington for your support of the Climate Commitment Act which set the stage for our announcement yesterday of the Move Ahead package”

– Marko Liias, Senate Transportation Chair

If you missed the webinar, you’ll want to watch the recording.

And even if you saw the live event, you’ll want to watch it again — and share it with your friends and colleagues.

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Clean & Prosperous Washington is a project of the Washington Business Alliance.
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